Vice Chancellor's Report

Charting a Path Towards Inclusive Excellence

The First 150 Days The 4 Year Review

Full Report Posted

Read the Diversity Mapping Report from Halualani & Associates, posted September 18, 2017.
Download a PDF of the report.

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has contracted with Halualani & Associates to complete a diversity analysis during the 2016-17 academic year. Specifically, Halualani & Associates will be completing Atlas Diversity Benchmarking and Diversity Mapping for campus.

About Halualani & Associates

Halualani & Associates is a leading research and consulting organization primarily serving higher education institutions in diversity research, analytics, and consulting. Founded in 2008 by Dr. Rona T. Halualani and her brother, Roger Halualani, Halualani & Associates has mapped 35 colleges/universities around the country (ranging from small to mid to large sized, public, private, and faith based types of institutions). More information about the organization is available on their website.

September 25 Open Forums 

Rona Halualani visited the university on Monday, September 25, 2017 to report on the diversity analysis.

Download a PDF of this presentation

Diversity Mapping

Diversity mapping refers to a process of plotting and analyzing (via 23-25 data layers) all of the current diversity efforts, programs, and courses at an institution. This enables institutions to take stock of what has already been done (and can therefore be leveraged – cost effectively) and what still remains to be done (gaps, empty zones, "opportunities for growth."). For more information, see the article published by Rona Tamiko Halualani, Hugh Haikera and Christopher Lancaster in the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.

How can we reach you with any feedback or information?

You may contact Dr. Rona Halualani directly with any feedback, information, or queries via her email address:

Atlas Diversity Benchmarking

Halualani & Associates uses Atlas, its proprietary database of diversity strategies at every accredited college & university in the U.S. (approximately 7,500 institutions - public, private, 2-year, 4-year) to benchmark institutions on their work in diversity, inclusion, equity and inclusive excellence.

Leveraging the data in Atlas, H&A provides information about national trends and benchmarks institutions on their work in diversity, inclusion, equity, and inclusive excellence.

Diversity Strategy Index Series
  • Existence, Quality, and Content of Diversity Master Plan Frameworks, Goals/Objectives, Design Process, Assigned Owners, Implementation Steps/Activities, Progress, Assessment/Review Process, Outcome Measures, Metrics, and Updates, Midpoint and Final Evaluations in the Last Five Years;
  • Incorporation and Quality of Diversity-Related Goal/Objective in University Strategic Planning Process, Assigned Owners, Implementation Steps/Activities, Progress, Assessment/Review Process, Outcome Measures, Metrics, and Updates, Midpoint and Final Evaluations in the Last Five Years;
Diversity Infrastructure Index Series
  • Diversity/Inclusion Leadership Infrastructure and Organization on Campus and Key Aspects;
  • Characteristics of Diversity Leaders (Highest Degree Held, Reporting Structures, Roles and Responsibilities);
  • Organizational Structure and Capacity of Diversity/Inclusion Division or Instructure
  • Budget Allocations for Diversity/Inclusion on Campus (and in terms of % of larger university budget);
  • Institutional Approach -Focus on Inclusive Excellence;
  • Board of Trustees Focus on Diversity;
Diversity-Related Curriculum Index Series
  • University learning competencies that encompass the first 5 levels of H & A's (DELTA) Diversity Engagement Learning Taxonomy Assessment (Knowledge-Awareness; Skills; Interaction; Advanced Analysis; Evaluation-Critique; Social Agency & Action; Innovative Problem Solving);
  • Diversity-Related General Education Programs;
  • Diversity Perspectives & Skills Woven Throughout the University Curricula (Departmental Majors & General Education);
  • Curricular Integration of Diversity (Embedded in Core Subject Matter, Inquiry or Skills-based Courses – Mathematics, Writing, Critical Thinking);
  • Assessment of Diversity Learning Competencies & Outcomes With Student Performed Work;
Diversity Related Professional Development Index Series
  • Professional Development/Diversity Training of Faculty on Inclusive Pedagogy;
  • Professional Development Training on Diversity for Staff;
  • Leadership Development Training on Diversity For Administrators;
Diversifying Faculty & Staff Index Series
  • Diversifying Faculty Initiative (with Training, Toolkits, Incentives);
  • Faculty Retention Initiative (Efforts, Incentives);
  • Employee Affinity Groups;
Peers which constitute the benchmarking comparison:
  • University of Iowa
  • Indiana University
  • Michigan State University
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Kansas

Benchmarking Report Downloads

The reports from the Atlas Diversity Benchmarking are available for download here.

Diversity Strategy Index Series

Executive SummaryFull Report

Diversity Infrastructure Series

Executive SummaryFull Report

Diversity General Education Curricular Program Series

Executive SummaryFull Report

Diversity-Related Professional Development Series

Executive SummaryFull Report

Diversity Faculty & Staff Recruitment & Retention Series

Executive SummaryFull Report