Communication with the Candidate

Regular communication is essential to ensure all candidates feel wanted and welcome at the university. Once candidates are selected, respond to every communication in a timely manner, even if the response is "I will find out and get back to you." Specify the best communication method (e.g., email or phone) to reach each candidate and provide the candidate with contact information for the hiring official, department chair and/or search committee chair, and for the individual responsible for handling any administrative duties and scheduling. Timely communication should continue following the campus visit until the search is completed. For example, reach out through email to the candidates to thank them for the visit and remind them of the appropriate person to contact with questions or information they need to share.

All communications with the candidate should be handled with the mindset that the candidate is a potential colleague and should be documented for future reference. The timeframe for decision-making relative to the position should be provided to all candidates to help them understand the process used and to encourage candidates to remain connected as a potential hire.

Finally, if you provide information to one candidate, provide it to all candidates to ensure fairness in communication and information.