Managing the Campus Visit

Be deliberate about all communications to prevent unintentionally having a candidate disclose information that may bias members of the search committee or others involved in the search process. For example, scheduling may reveal information about their religious practices or marital or parental status. If a candidate discloses information, document the interaction and your response. At the same time, do not broadly share the information in a manner that could create bias.

Once the search committee and responsible officials agree on the top candidates, the search committee chair or the hiring official starts communication with the candidates to arrange the campus visit. The guidelines below aim to ensure all candidates who visit campus for an interview receive the same benefits of a welcoming environment. The general objective of these guidelines is to eliminate biases, inequity, and inconsistencies that may impair candidate and search committee engagement and understanding. The effective facilitation of the campus visit can positively influence candidate selection and acquisition of the desired employee.7

7 Florentine, S. (2018). “6 Effective Strategies for Improving Employee Retention.” CIO (13284045), January, 1. Retrieved on November 30, 2020 from